
Senin, 16 Maret 2009

New Yaris price Rp207 Juta (INA)

PT Toyota Astra's Jakarta Motor (TAM) blasting off New Yaris. This car is expected can become new competitor at brazes hatchback's vehicle.

PT TAM takes down Yaris goes to marketing with severally variant. As Yaris's type type j., E and S. For price, Yaris dibanderol with Rp174's gyration until Rp207,45 million. Ã?Â

This price lies thinly under Honda Jazz who lies on Rp180's gyration until Rp220 juta.� But, quality and mode problem, New Yaris may be relied.

New Yaris attends with severally changed on the side eksterior and interior. For example change on designs grill, bumper, and audio sector.

Toyota New Yarispun attends with six colour options, which is super white, super red, silver metalic, silver metalic's medium, black mica, and light blue mica.

How You interest?

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I hope dream come true

Semoga tiba datang dengan waktunya Ternyata doa yang selama ini kupanjatkan kepada Allah SWT ndak sia sia dengan datangnya kwitansi kecil it...